Achieve your thought
leadership and
demand generation

The frameworks and methodologies we use for our content programmes are reverse-engineered to ensure you meet your commercial requirements. London Research can help you reap the following benefits.

Cement your brand's reputation

We produce content that has the gravitas to impress senior business audiences, educating individuals and companies on the principles that are core to your brand.

While your own whitepapers and marketing collateral play an important role in building your reputation, content from a respected research company gives you increased credibility and brand awareness.

London Research will work with you to understand what topics and themes are key to your success, with the goal of helping you drive the conversation in these areas.

Engage stakeholders and prospects

Our research helps you establish and deepen relationships with the senior business professionals and partners that matter most to your business.

By interviewing and surveying the right kind of target audience as part of the research process, we can help develop relationships with prospects and customers in a way that complements your own business development activities.

As well as creating research-based content, we can also work with you to run roundtables and other events where you can benefit from face-to-face interaction.

Generate high-quality leads

A key outcome for our clients is the generation of high-quality leads – at scale – to help drive your demand generation activities.

Through our sister company Digital Doughnut, we have access to a global community of more than 1.5 million marketers. We can target the right types of people to take part in our research, download research-related content assets, and attend relevant events.

We also have access to the Demand Exchange lead generation platform, enabling us to drive leads from other publishers across different industries.

Make better business decisions

As well as playing a key role in your sales and marketing activities, our research can also inform your strategic positioning and geographical focus.

By grounding our research in interviews and data gathered from your target customers, our insights can play a vital role in helping you shape your business solutions and technology.

We can also help companies carry out feasibility studies for new products or new markets.

We can carry out research which is either made public or for your eyes only. Or a combination of both.

Our clients include:


Unit 102 Metroline House118-122 College RoadHarrowHA1 1BQ+44 (0)207 1934600


649 Mission StreetSan FranciscoCA 90105+1 (415) 463 7044
